Last week we had Sydney's best friend Kenai stay with us, as you can see they are very close and very annoying when they are together. As far as getting attention, Kenai might be the worlds neediest dog, but we like her anyway and I think Syd has a dog crush on her.
It looks like Syd has her just where she wanted her!
VA Mom
Posted by
Anonymous |
1:44 PM
That's funny. That picture really captures their personalities!
Posted by
Becky |
5:05 PM
I love how Sydney is sitting directly on top of Kenai. She couldn't have sat on the empty spot on the couch! Crazy dogs! Kenai is definitely needy, she is her father’s daughter. She needs positive words of encouragement and lots of physical love, often. Luckily she is smart and NOT neurotic.
Kenai is getting ready for her house to be invaded this week. Life as she has known it for the past 6 months is drastically going to change – and all in one weekend. She will have Shylo back and Sydney over to visit! Yeehaw for me!
Posted by
Da Baums |
9:57 PM