Sydney's New Friend
Last night David took Syd out one last time before we went to bed. He let her off the leash to go run in the field next to our apartment. A few minutes later she came running back rolling in the grass and frothing at the mouth and airing a horrible smell. Our poor dog met her first skunk. In her curiousity of a possible new friend she was sprayed in the face! We brought her in to the tub (because living in an apartment we don't have anywhere outside to hose her down). I washed her with my shampoo and David meanwhile found a dog de-skunking remedy on the internet. It worked fairly well although our apartment still has some faint traces of skunk. :( For anyone who ever runs into a skunk here is the recipe:
1 quart hydrogen peroxide
1/4 c baking soda
2 TBS dish soap
May you never need to use it....
One of the new adventures of living in the Lower 48! I'm sorry for poor Syd. Your recipe has the same ingredients I found online to treat the carpet after my cat had her issues, and it worked pretty well. Hope all is well otherwise. :) Good to hear of your new job and Dave's school plans. How do you like the job?
Posted by
Becky |
5:00 PM
Poor Syd. It does seem to be one of those unfortunate rights of passage.....Lady met her first and hopefully last one on new years eve this year. It took us several washings with the solution you listed to get her cleaned up. The residue eventually faded, although we do still get a whiff after she has been swimming. If Syd has 'skunk breath' the listerine tabs that dissolve work pretty well. Take care :)
Posted by
Enger Adventures |
5:48 AM
Poor Syd! She needs a friend to play with, so she doesn't have to go looking for playmates in all the wrong places. Don't worry Syd, Macy will be there soon :)
Posted by
sixwickerts |
9:45 AM
Ok it is time for a new blog post. I am thinking maybe a video! I put up a couple I thought Abby would enjoy!!! I hope work is going good!!!
Posted by
Da Baums |
10:21 AM
I am so glad we don't have skunks here. Kenai already found a porcupine. I think if we had skunks she would be finding them quite often!!!!
Posted by
Da Baums |
10:23 AM
Oh dear. I wonder if that remedy would work for rotten fish smell.
Posted by
Cooke family |
2:23 PM
Our animals do get into funny situations, don't they. My cat, (as brilliant as she's supposed to be), climbed a tree and couldn't figure out how to get down. We actually had to climb up and get her. STupid cat. Oh well. It was really great talking to you today. Miss you!
Posted by
The Day's |
7:50 PM