American Idolatry
oooh 60's night. ooh 2 losers. People are going to know about 3 of these songs. Hayley is going first singing a song no has heard of. American Idol is the biggest show on TV and they can't get anyone better than herman the hermit. Randy: perfect song for her. Simon: goes all creepy for the first contestant, nice. By the way she has Olympic gold medals for ear rings. My grade B- Jenn's grade C.
Chris is next. cool a guitar player. Hey I think he's wearing my grandads cardigan! not that bad, still too airy and soft for my tastes. Randy: beautiful dawg, props props props. Simon: best performance from him so far. I give him a B.
Stephanie: she has fishing lures for earings, I think she is in danger, she could be gone soon. Randy: Pitchy for me man, man. Paula: pointless comments about the way she looks. Simon: lost her edge. My grade: C-
Blake is next and is singing a Rob Zombie song....wait just The Zombies, never heard of them. This show is like having the station stuck on KFMJ, what a total nightmare. Hey contestants let me introduce you to someone you may have heard of....The Beatles or maybe the Rolling Stones.
Hey I like this, Jenn gives his plaid pants an A+. Randy:cool, massive YO factor (The Yo Factor must be destroyed now). Simon: strongest performance so far. I thought it was very cool, I give it a B+.
Lakisha: yes a bond song, I liked it, probably my favorite from the night.Randy: not his favorite, paula liked it and Simon didn't. I thought Lakisha looked very good, she's still safe. My grade B
Smeagol is next, a hard rock version of Tobacco road. I have a feeling Simon will not like this, let's see. Randy: pitchy dawg for me. Paula: yessssss the precioussssss. Simon: didn't like it, he needs a blusier voice to pull that one off. My grade C.
Jordan goes and does well, I think she is a dark horse to win, in fact I am going out on a limb and predicting Jordan will win the whole thing.
Sunjaya is next. wait... why is he meeting with herman the hermit, Sunjaya is a guy?! This is not that bad, he has some grit in his voice. Jenn is weeping like that little girl! Simon: I guess he didn't like it. Sunjaya is staying i guarantee it. my grade B. Gina is singing next, I predict she will sing "Satisfaction" we'll see. Doh! wrong song, paint it black? don't know it. Oh yeah I know it, I heard it 25 times on kfmj at work. Her whole rock thing is getting old for me, it's time to change it up a bit. Simon: vocal carnage! Paula and Randy always interupt Simon when he is speaking, I think Paula should have sydneys shock collar on.
Chris Sligh is next, he is walking through the crowd...sorry pal but no girls are crying over you.
Melinda is next, I'll just go ahead and give her an A and call it a night. Time for Peter Noone to go back to anonymity and Lulu to go back to the botox clinic.