Free Web Counter GOULD'S HOUSE: November 2007

Friday, November 02, 2007 

A Time for Change

Although most of you have seen this coming, it is now official. Our house went on the market this week. We too will be heading out. I have spent a majority of my life wanting and trying to be here so it is with very mixed emotions that we make this decision, but with both of our families living south, the time has come. We have put a stipulation that we will not close on any offers until February 15. We are then planning on heading to Murfreesboro, TN. David will transfer with the post office and there is a nice new medical center there. Tennessee may seem like a random place, but when we started thinking about moving south, we had lots of requirements. Nashville met every single one of them (Murfreesboro is just outside of Nashville). We are excited to see what the Lord has for us there in terms of friends, life, work, and ministry. Having both grown up here in Ketchikan we will always see this place as home and will miss our Ketchikan family tremendously, but you are all invited to come visit as soon as we get settled. Until then pray that the Lord would continue to guide us in all of our preparations. And does anybody want to buy a house?

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