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Monday, July 25, 2005 


Something that I love to look at and read about are things sorted into lists, for instance top ten movies or sports teams and such. I am going to to start making my own lists just for the fun of it and posting them on the blog, I will call them "My Top Five" I have spoken. The first list will be, "THE FIVE GREATEST POPS OF ALL TIME" I discussed this with Jerry Demmert once, and he used to drink a six pack of coke a day, his pop expertise is unsurpassed.
The List:
#5 Ginger Ale
#4 Pepsi Twist
#3 Cactus Cooler
#2 Mountain Dew
#1 Dr Pepper

Hey, it's my list.

What's cactus cooler? Some kind of weird alaskan drink?!? wait - how could it be - there aren't any cactus in alaska. I'm so excited for you and Jenn! Jennifer Morrow and I like to think we played a small part in making it all happen. Just wait - I think there might be a documentary part 2 in the works! See you and Jenn in a few weeks! Congrats on the new house too!

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